Who Next for Public Libraries
Wondering what to read next?
www.whonextguide.com is an online resource which helps children and young people to discover authors who write in a similar style to their favourite writers.

Pricing for libraries operates via a series of nine size bands, for example the price of a one year subscription ranges from £209 to £1,699 depending which size band a library falls into. Note: prices are subject to VAT.
Subscriptions are available for one, two or three years. If you would like a quote, please complete our online enquiry form here.
Price freeze!
One-year subscriptions remain at 2022 prices and the cost of two and three year joint subscriptions are frozen at 2020 prices.
You can register here for a two-week (one-off) free trial.
Discounts are available for consortia, please email [email protected] for information.
Additional information
Library licences offer unlimited access for library staff and members.
There are multiple ways in which library staff and users can access www.whoelsewriteslike.com.
- Card Number Login – users can enter their library card number to login to www.whoelsewriteslike.com. Card number authentication allows users to access the site remotely as well as from within the library
- Username & Password – staff can be assigned a unique Username and Password
- IP Based Login – the IP addresses of library computers can be registered to provide automatic login for users
- URL Based Login – users are automatically logged on when visiting a license‑specific URL. This link must be published on a secure website, but has the advantage of offering offsite access for users
Access is configured via an easy to follow administration area of the website
You may also be interested in our sister website, Who Else Writes Like…?, which is designed to help adult fiction readers discover authors new to them and also suggests crossover authors whose novels may be suitable for young people. Visit Who Else…? »
A discount is available for those customers who subscribe to both Who Next and Who Else.